SOULWINDER Merch Now In Development
We Need Your Help: The Future of SOULWINDER Depends On It!!
Also we threw Axel in jail again. You can ONLY free him by taking this survey! (But only take it ONCE!!) If you're reading this, that means you! Only YOU can help!!
Still here? Let me tell you about that survey. It'll ask you questions that help us determine the best path for SOULWINDER's future, and if you care about merch then it'll even ask you what kinds of official merchandise you want to see us create and sell.
You'll eventually be able to buy that merch here on this very (brand new) website! What's more, this site has ever-useful features like an email list you can subscribe to in order to get your SOULWINDER news (Instead of relying on the whims of Discord notifs and social media algorithms)! If you haven't subscribed to it yet, you can do so at the very bottom of this page!
Anywho, TAKE THAT SURVEY if you haven't already. And when you're done taking it, join the newsletter. And when you've done that, tell that friend who you made read SOULWINDER to ALSO take the survey. And join the newsletter. And then...
Steel yourself for the next announcement. It's a big and bright one! With bigger, REALER, home-grown news!